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Signs of an Unhealthy Tree

20 DEC 2022

Signs of an Unhealthy Tree

Trees are valuable assets to our landscape. Besides beauty, they shelter us in the winter and shade in the summer. However, like a living organism, trees can become unhealthy and may show certain symptoms that show a problem. Our tree expert at Sesmas Tree Service discusses six symptoms of an unhealthy tree. You can take the steps to provide the best care possible by understanding these signs.

There Are Few Healthy Leaves Left

Most trees should have a fairly uniform texture pattern and coloration on the trunk and limbs. Irregularities in shape, surface color, or density could show that the tree is becoming compromised and sick. If you find new leaves appear paler, become yellow, or dry up, it is time to call for a tree care company to come and diagnose the tree.

Insect Infestations

If your tree is sick, then insects will attack it. The tree may have been infested with insects if you notice marble-sized balls of pale-colored sap or fine sawdust shavings on the tree trunk. This may signify that your tree is sick and requires some attention. It is essential to consult with a tree arborist to determine the best action for your tree. The tree service can assess the health of the tree and determine whether it needs to be removed or it can be saved.

Damaged Roots

The roots usually feed the tree and make it structurally sound. Since the trees are deep down underground, it is difficult to determine whether they are damaged. If you had recent construction projects or excavations near the tree, look at whether the tree roots were damaged during the process. If the tree has a partially exposed or shallow root system, this may also affect the health of the tree. Other signs of root damage include undersized yellow leaves, poor yearly growth, thinning foliage, and dead branches.

It Develops a Gradual Lean

Odd growth patterns may show a structural imbalance or general weakness. This could show roots that have been injured or over saturated soil. The tree is no longer strongly attached to the ground, and this could lead to toppling over after some time, and it will eventually die. If you find that your tree is leaning suddenly, call for a tree care company to look at it before it is too late.

It’s a Host to Fungus or Critters

Pets such as carpenter ants and bark beetles live in trees that are dying or under stress. These pets prefer to live in dying or weakened hosts. As for bacterial or fungal infections, look for mushrooms or cankers growing on the tree base or on the tree itself.

Forming Cankers

A canker on a tree is like sores in an individual’s mouth and is a visible sign of distress. These open sores, which form in the tree’s bark, show that the tree is suffering from a disease.

Not only can dead trees drop branches or fall on kids, houses, or cars, but they can also attract pests and insects that can spread in your garden. Contact our tree care expert at Sesmas Tree Service today if you find any of the above signs.