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Maple Tar Spot Disease and Treatment

10 OCT 2024

Maple Tar Spot Disease and Treatment

Maple trees not only enhance the beauty of landscapes but also provide many benefits which make them a valuable addition. Like most trees, these magnificent entities are prone to infections and infestations which cause deterioration and death if left unattended. A common threat to maple trees is maple tar spot, which manifests as dark, round spots on the leaves. Once you notice spots that resemble splashed tar on your maples, Sesmas Tree Service is the go-to tree care company for help. Let’s look at the crucial aspects you should know to act quickly.

What Is Maple Tar Spot?

Maple tar spot affects many trees globally. If you have maples on your yard, routine inspections by a professional tree service provider are crucial to detect signs of infection early. As stated, this fungal disease causes dark spots on leaves, affecting aesthetic appeal and overall health. Fortunately, the disease is not fatal, so homeowners don’t have to worry about severe damage and tree removal emergencies.

Causes of Maple Tar Spot

Maple tar spot is a fungal disease that is caused by a single or multiple species of the “Rhytisma” fungus. Most fungi have an annual life cycle, which includes dormant overwintering. The fungus grows in the spring, releasing spores that are spread by the wind and water to maple trees. Some of the most susceptible maple species include black maple, boxelder, red maple, silver maple, and sugar maple. If you have any of these trees in your property, scheduling routine checks with a tree care company is important.

How to Identify Infected Trees

If fungal spores land on your trees and matures, textured and raised spots will appear on the leaves. In case of a severe infection, leaves can drop to show they cannot support photosynthesis. Sudden leaf drop is often a sign of stress, and delaying professional care can exacerbate the problem, leading to death and tree removal in Alpharetta. Also, severe leaf damage affects the tree’s aesthetics and overall curb appeal.

Effective Preventive Measures

Fungal infections can easily spread to other healthy trees, hence the need to prioritize cleaning up fallen leaves from your premises. If you don’t rake and dispose of fallen leaves, you allow the fungus to shelter the winter and infect healthy trees. Look out for premature leaf fall and inspect for telltale signs of maple tar spot to take effective measures before the damage worsens. For homeowners who prefer a more sustainable approach, arborists recommend composting infected leaves as the safest option.

Do Fungal Sprays Cure Maple Tar Spot?

DIY enthusiasts may opt for a more hands-on approach, like spraying fungicides. However, timing is critical to ensure proper coverage and prevent reinfections. Before applying chemicals, consult a tree service provider to account for critical factors that DIYers often overlook. These include tree size, surrounding tree species, and timing, ensuring you kill the fungus without compromising overall health.

Do you need help to diagnose maple tar spot? If so, contact the Sesmas Tree Service and talk to our arborists. We have seasoned experts with extensive knowledge to evaluate your trees and recommend the most effective solution.